
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

hockey in space

Hockey is a game that is played on ice with a puck that weighs 3 oz. and of course there is gravity to keep everything in place. But playing hockey in space in a very different thing because you are basically playing hockey in Zero Gravity. it may not be like a real life game but I think it sure would be fun. there is many other videos of sports and other fun activities that are being played in Zero Gravity. there is not many things that are the same when you are playing on Earth and in Space. everything on earth has gravity which is why nothing is floating all over the place and the cause of everything staying where it is. here is the video of some astronauts playing hockey in Zero Gravity.

if you are interested in looking at more videos, feel free to go to their YouTube channel.

First mission to the moon

Apollo 11 was the first ever manned mission to land on the Moon.The first steps that were taken on another planet were by some men named Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, and took place on July 20 1969. The Astronauts brought back with them samples of body from another planet. The Apollo 11 spacecraft was launched from the Kennedy Space Center at 13:32:00 UT on July 16, 1969.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

First man in space

On April 12 1961, a Russian Cosmonaut (Yuri Gagarin) became the first human to ever travel into outer space. The Russian team worked hard to beat a deadline America had which was to send a man into space by 1961. There were more than 200 Russian Air Force fighter pilots that were chosen as cosmonaut candidates. Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin, the third of four children, born on March 9, 1934 in a small village a hundred miles from Moscow. As a teen Yuri Gagarin was offered a chance to join the flying club which he eagerly accepted. Yuri Gagarin went on his first solo flight in 1955. Only a few years later he submitted a request to be considered a Cosmonaut. On April 12, 1961, at 9:07 a.m. Moscow time, the Vostok 1 spacecraft blasted off from the Soviets launch site.

Interesting Earth Facts

The world is very very large. there is so many things in this world that are hard to believe, even when seeing it with your own two eyes. this video is a overview of the Earth from space. According to some research the Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old, also know as the only planet that can support life.

Here is a profile on Earth.

  • Mass- 5,972,190,000,000,000 Billion kg
  • Equatorial diameter- 12,756 km
  • Polar diameter- 12,714
  • Equatorial Circumference- 40,030
  • Orbit Distance- 149,598,262 km ( 1 AU)
  • Orbit period- 365.26 Earth days
  • Surface temperature- -88 to 58 degrees Celsius

Interesting Facts on Earth
  • China's air pollution is visible from space but The Great Wall of China is not.
  • NASA estimates on average that 1 piece of space junk returns to earth each day. 
  • Continents move 2 cm each year
  • 200,000 people are born everyday.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

First One-Year Mission

 For the first time ever there will be two men who will be sent into space for one whole year. NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian Federal Space Agency Cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko. Both astronauts are staying in space for a long duration to get more data on changes of the human body in space. NASA understands the potential challenges these two men could face while in space. NASA officials hope to use the International Space Station as a test bed for understanding how long the space flights can affect the humans psychologically and physically. The astronauts will take part in many experiments to see how the one year mission in space affects their eyes,bones, and other body parts. As of right now Kelly will monitor 19 shared space station experiments on the human body for NASA.