
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Interesting Earth Facts

The world is very very large. there is so many things in this world that are hard to believe, even when seeing it with your own two eyes. this video is a overview of the Earth from space. According to some research the Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old, also know as the only planet that can support life.

Here is a profile on Earth.

  • Mass- 5,972,190,000,000,000 Billion kg
  • Equatorial diameter- 12,756 km
  • Polar diameter- 12,714
  • Equatorial Circumference- 40,030
  • Orbit Distance- 149,598,262 km ( 1 AU)
  • Orbit period- 365.26 Earth days
  • Surface temperature- -88 to 58 degrees Celsius

Interesting Facts on Earth
  • China's air pollution is visible from space but The Great Wall of China is not.
  • NASA estimates on average that 1 piece of space junk returns to earth each day. 
  • Continents move 2 cm each year
  • 200,000 people are born everyday.

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